Friday, April 1, 2011

The making of 'Little Lady'

I started this project with a wooden picture frame from the Dollar Store, it sat on my shelf of supplies I don't use for years and I just felt a need to decorate it with something!

1.) I started by painting the entire wood area black, this keeps all of the areas not covered in paper matching the theme and colors of the project.

2.) After laying them out to give myself an idea of what the layout would be, I measured and cut all of the papers and ribbons that I'd need.

3.) I then applied the decoupage to the wood and placed the papers in their spaces. I used several coats of decoupage to ensure they would stay in position and remain sealed under the clear coat.

4.) Details!! Now goes all of the ribbons and letters, all the little accents that complete the project. I glued the paper tag and the ribbon and covered them with the same clear coat that I used in the decoupage so they have the maximum strength possible. Finally, the little rhinestones go on and, Done!

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